Born and raised in NYC's Greenwich Village my best friend and I used to make fun of folks from NJ and the Suburbs. I used to tease my mother about growing up in the then WASP town of Radburn NJ.
Home ownership was never a goal or a dream of mine. I always saw myself in the city renting forever as my parents did.
Then I met my husband. He grew up in a town on the Jersey Shore in a house with a yard and a driveway and a den.
He must have really loved me because after we got engaged he agreed to move to Brooklyn NY. We moved to a nice area at the tippy tip of Brooklyn called Bay Ridge. Great huge 1 bedroom apartment. His mother cried when he visited her because he was so far away and the city was so dangerous. His father refused to cross the bridge and called it Beruit rather than Bay Ridge. I did my damnedest to try to make them see I hadn't sent their son to the 7th circle of hell but I'm afraid they smelled the sulfur on me no matter what. They were suburbanites and couldn't understand why anyone would not want what they had. A very nice house in a very nice neighborhood.
Fast forward to 9 apartments later and 2 kids and a dog and we are now living in Hoboken, NJ in a 700 sq foot apartment that despite my self denial mantra really is just too small for our family.
So we have decided that perhaps it is time to take the leap into what his parents have and what I never though I'd want....suburbia.
This blog is my journey house hunting and trying to find my place in the world of cookie cutter homes and people...
A new bedroom and library in an old apartment
7 years ago
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