To this end here are some of my favorite interior design photos and elements. Some of which I want to use, some of which I can only dream about...
I love this for the landing on the stairs to the basement. A zip of color in an unexpected place.

This is just cool

You can't see it in any of the photos but the dining room is separated from the living room but two half walls with columns on each. Wouldn't it be cool to go one step further and put one of these tanks up in each little pocket?

This...this chair...this chair is almost too much. I'm picturing a crisp fall day, both boys are in school and I'm alone for a few hours and this is on the screened in porch...Yeah. Happy mommy...

I love the use of wallpaper to dress up a white bookcase..

I would love to stencil this under a mirror

I would love to replace the current kitchen door with a French door like this

I actually wouldn't mind doing laundry if I had a room that looked like this

I love this. In some form I need to recreate this... It says "I do not care what car you drive, where you live, if you know someone who knows someone who knows someone, if your clothes are this years cutting edge, if your trust fund is unlimited, if you are A-List, B-List or never heard of you list. I only care about the words that flutter from your mind. They are the only thing you truly own. The only thing I will truly remember you by. I will not fall in love with your bones and skin. I will not fall in love with the places you have been. I will not fall in love with anything but the words that flutter from your extraordinary mind."

I adore this pendant...It's silly and playful in an otherwise very serious dining room. I've found a very cheap version but it only takes a 25 watt bulb so it couldn't be the main source of light for the room...

I think I like this in theory but I'm not real sure I could deal with it all the time. It would make a good guest room...

I want that sprayer thingy for my kitchen...

TOY STORAGE! Love it, want it, need it...get me one, bolt that baby to the wall and we are good to go!

LOVE this for a coat rack. It's a butchers meat hanging rack with meat hooks that have had the points filed off...

Cool idea for a bathroom. I'm so torn as to what to do with the half bath on the 1st floor. Now I think something like this would be super cool...

I love the feel of this cabinet. It would be great in a dining room in place of a stuffy traditional china cabinet.

I would love to have these beds in the boys room.

I really think I like this color for a dining room.

I love this idea for a bar in the living room.

How smart is this? For lack of other storage these folks went to the space no one uses. I LOVE this. I would totally do something like this

How warm and cozy is this couch?

I think I'd always be in the bathroom if this were my sink...

The beverage center...oh a separate place for drinks. What a lovely idea.

Good heavens would this be fantastic and faboo? Just a little thing that would make me happy to run up and down the stairs...

This really has nothing to do with anything other than if I were in bed and saw this I could at that point die happy.

I love the navy walls and the mural.

This bookcase would be great in the entryway

Do I really need to tell you about the red bedroom again?

I LOVE this sink

If I were single and lived in a Studio apartment, I'd so have a bed like this...

Something about this I dig on. I love the curtain

Cupcakes. If you know me, nothing else needs to be said

Okay pink patent leather docs...Life is better than before.

I LOVE this wallpaper...

I so love the Smeg fridge but even more and the reason I chose this photo is the cabinet next to the fridge. I love that look and that sort of storage in a kitchen.

Does anything REALLY need to be said about a built in Sub Zero glass front fridge? I think not. Okay, moving on...

This picture right here is what a home should feel like to me. Relaxed, warm, soft, not to serious safe and familiar.

It's all about the Carerra marble ladies and gents. It's my dream kitchen that has this beautiful white marble with those groovy black veins in it anywhere. Counter tops of this material might make me speak in tongues. However, I would be very happy with a little table like this one somewhere

Built in glass front cabinet. The ability to see what I have at any given second without having to dig around to find the right plate for the boys or my favorite mug would be lovely...

I'm wondering if a band of pink in the bedroom would be a bad thing?

Something about how very organized this kitchen is that I like...

I so want to do this to a dresser. I love this stencil...

This is what I'm sort of looking for for the entryway

Okay I love love love love love this living room. I've always wanted hanging chairs but even better than these (which are much more affordable and I'd deal with if I had to) is the hanging ball chair. But I digress. If I could have a living room with two hanging chairs in any form and a large comfy sectional I'd be very very happy. I really might push for this...I think it would be interesting to see who attempts to climb in and sit while they visit and who retreats to the safety of the couch. These chairs are only around $500 a piece vs. my bubble chair which are $3,600 each. Hmmmmmmmm....

Ah, these chairs...okay go back to my chocolate velvet couch and my hanging chairs from above. Now pictures THESE in the mix somewhere...Yeah know you love it!

This rug. I'm having a love hate thing with it at the moment. I adore the purple in it but I'm not sure i could live with it.

How could you ever be sad or unhappy if this were your shower?

I love this runner for the stairs...

Here are the hanging ball chairs I mentioned above...LOVE them. With a pretty footstool to step up and in I could see myself spending hours reading in one of these. However, considering each is $3,600 I again don't see these pups in my future.

I love this industrial feel...

I just love the idea of having some sort of organization to my home.

This is great. I love the in your face colors of this piece.

This is call English Rose and it's apparently a style of kitchen cabinetry. Don't much care if you call it rat poop, in this color I'll take it!

Again with that vintage industrial feel I adore. This is a great item...

Oh where to begin on this bedroom? Just sit back and take it in. It's beautiful...

With two growing boys one who is already a bottomless pit of hunger this fridge appeals to me or all the storage it has!

I LOVE this bathroom. Even on the most gloomy cloudy day you could be in here and feel a bit like a Disney character...

I love this table. I love the color, I love the staging of the things on the table. I love the shape of this table. I love this table...

My dream pit sofa for the finished basement...

Just another alternative for bedding I like

So it seems I'm somehow drawn to florals. But florals like this lamp below. Isn't it beautiful? Another item that would make me very happy...

Okay everyone stop what you are doing and behold two items that would make me the happiest gal on the entire planet. A chocolate velvet couch and velvet leopard pillows. Sigh...Okay now picture this as a sectional sofa with two of those fantastic hanging chairs across from it. Yeah? You seeing it? Are you feeling it? No, you so aren't feeling it. I can tell. (pout) Well, I love it. If I have to give up my Victorian gal then I get to decorate the way I want...So there!

I love this for curtains. Picture it against the velvet couch...

Leopard carpet. Fantastic...

Again, the industrial sort of feel. I would love this in the dining room...

Dare I dream of ever being THIS organized? I think not...

If we decide to turn the first floor into a guest room this is what I want to do...

Ah, my kitchen. LOVE the warm feeling in this kitchen...

I like the hallway as storage...

Another one of those cabinets I love

Yummy... I might learn to cook if I have a kitchen like this...

Again with my excitement for a place for everything....

I'm thinking that I love this for the living room

I don't really need to say it do I? Look at the armoire and figure it out

This just rocks...

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