The colors are what you see on the can tops...
Oh and I'm sure you know if you click on the pictures they will blow up so you can see detail...

I went right to my dark gray (Dark Granite was my first choice for the whole kit and kaboodle) and said
My mother gave me the eyeball and said
"Are you sure?"
and all of a sudden I wasn't.
But I was! I knew I wanted my kitchen to look like this:

Cozy, elegant, refined, grown up, sexy...She listened and when I was done she said
I said "No"?
"Because despite the high ceilings you have a very very small room and one window that gets morning light. Too dark is going to look like a prison at days end. It's going to be depressing and ugly."
Huh...I let that sink in and then the stubborn little girl in me stamped her foot "But..."
Again I got the eyeball...
So I sighed and went one up on the color card...
"Okay how bout Anonymous"
"I don't think it's going to work"
"FINE. Then I'm going to get the chalkboard paint for the kids room" and I stomped off.
I'd be lying if I didn't have to take a deep breath to keep the tears from falling.
She was fucking with my plan! WHY does everyone want to go fucking with my plan!!!
I've had this all layed out for over a month now and I have a vision people! I'm a woman with a vision! STOP getting in my way!
(As an aside that has nothing to do with the story but I need to savor the moment Mike just told me he likes the idea of taking down all the cabinets in the kitchen and either doing shelves or nothing...I swear to god I think I just came...THAT'S my vision...Good lord. At times he shocks me. )
So I've got the nice home depot lady with me (and can I mention here as an aside how rockin my sister and Mike are for staying with the kids while I'm flitting all over the paint section?)
and she's showing me the chalkboard paint and all of a sudden the queen vision fucker is behind me
My mother has a way of saying one word and making it sound so distasteful and horrid you can't imagine the word came out of her mouth.
"It's CHALKBOARD! The kids can write all over it!"
"But it's black"
"I'm not doing the whole ROOM"
I get the eyeball again...
At this point the ever helpful Home Depot lady said
"You know we can tint the paint right?"
What's this?!
She tips the box on it's side and shows me a color pallate.
I'm still not sold. I'm not doing the kids room in blue or green or yellow or pink.
My mother says "Moonstone is really nice"

Back to the room colors...
I look at the card again with my mother. She's pointing to Sparrow. Sparrow for the kitchen and the living room.

But I still really liked Anonymous...
I want this bedding more than I want my next breath:(Second page bottom left - gray leopard!)

So Sparrow for the front hall, kitchen and living room and Anonymous for the bedroom.
Thank you mom...thank you for giving in to my Anonymous. It will look really nice. I promise!
Two rooms down...
The kids room. The only thing I was clear on was the one wall of chalkboard paint. I didn't know what to do for the rest for the space.
I didn't want blue or green or yellow but what then?
Stay white?
My mother brought me the White Truffle card.
Right again mom...She's ALWAYS right...
White Truffle is a great off white soft and pretty. It will be really nice with the moonstone chalkboard wall.
By now the kids are tired and melting down and Brian has a poop diaper.
I go to get the paint and is up there arguing about a gallon of paint but they are taking up the ENTIRE counter.
I waited at least 15 mins to tell the woman what I was looking to have done (2 gallons of White Truffle, 4 gallons of Sparrow, 2 gallons of Anonymous 6 gallons of primer and 2 gallons of semi gloss white for the trims)
15 mins she would have all my paint ready.

On the way down Brian got his hand caught in the elevator door so now Mike's cranky about laying out over $400 for paint and I've wounded his second born....
Brian as it turned out was fine. No scratches or pinches or broken anything. Just scared tired howls and tears.
I'm very excited about all of this.
Tonight when I get home my mother tells me she's going to buy us a couch for the new place.
Oh joyus day...
See not only is my mother stellar with the paint shit she's super amazing with furniture and furnishing. I am blessed to be surrounded by peeps who keep my visions in check. My mother should have been an interior designer.
I'm very excited to have her help me as we whip this place into shape.
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