This house fills me with so much hope and desire that it hurts to see it sitting empty and alone knowing that no matter how much I plan and dream it's never really going to be mine.
Lion Manor could be an amazing amazing place. I know it could. I just can't get the folks who matter the most to see it as well.
I can't give up on this one. The only way I will is if it gets sold while I'm attempting to cross my I's and dot my T's....Nothing may ever come of it but I'd like to know I did all I could to try. Know what I mean?
I need someone to help me with the business plan. I need someone who is better with numbers and doesn't have the haze over their eyes that I do to take a look at what I've got together and tell me what they think and help me tweak it.
Anyone out there wanna help me?

I used to live in this house and i agree that seeing it empty and alone is depressing. i miss it soo much but we just couldn't afford to live there. good luck on your quest to getting it :] i wish u well.
You lived at Chilton?! How fantastic! What was it like living in such a massive home?
I'm so sorry you guys couldn't afford it.
I can imagine that the utilities are outstanding and the upkeep is steep as well!
Oh yeah it was expensive for sure! It was really fun living there. I could sing as loudly as I wanted after midnight and no one would hear me down the hallways, so that was pretty cool. I'd love to have it back someday myself, but we live in FL now and my parents wouldn't be able to buy it back. The utilities were probably the most expensive part, as well as having 8 kids to take care of!
8 kids?! WOWZA! Your parents are super brave! Where in the line up do you fall? How old are you?
I'd LOVE to see any photos you guys might have of the house.
It seems to be off the market again so maybe she's found someone to love her!
Well you don't have to worry about the Chilton house anymore. We just closed on it today. We are very excited. While your bed and breakfast plans would be lovely, it would not have been possible for you to do. The house is in a residential use only zone therefor no businesses allowed. I believe that was the reason the two previous owners lost the home. They were unaware of that and without the income the house would generate for them they were unable to afford to stay in the home. There misfortune was great for us. The price of the home dropped considerable since most people wanted to run a business there. We intend to just live there with our three kids who are still home and have a beautiful place for the three who are already out of the home to come visit.
I discovered that it wouldn't work as a B&B very early on.
Congrats on the purchase and I hope that you might stop back to this blog and share what life in the house is like.
I am so curious to see what the house looks like currently & I'm wondering why after only 5 years the owners have decided to sell it.
I saw this house a few months ago. I was saddened to see its condition. There is so much I can tell you about this house. Lets just say..big house..big bills..big upkeep.The current owners have not done this house a favor. A day care is being run out of the main room with the alphabet taped over the beautiful walls and woodwork. It is in the dining room which is right off the pool which appears not to be maintained either. I would not want my child at a day care with a swimming pool so close. It also appeared a few of the bathrooms were inoperative. There were multiple pets of all kinds kept in this house. Bottom line sad how this house has been neglected.
You are breaking my heart! This house is such an amazing place! Drives me crazy to hear it's not respected the way it should be.
Hi, I'm the Listing Agent for this wonderful property and I'm happy to answer any questions about this house.
Just a thought... doesn't a "Daycare Center" clash with the R1 zoning law? From the post on Sept 17/2010, I thought there wasn't going to be a business because it wasn't allowed? Anyway, I wish the current owners well on finding a new place big enough to continue the business they currently run. No wonder they're selling it; from my understanding, it would take a lot of money to fix this place up. With all due respect, until one lives in such a big place, you don't realize how much work is involved. My house is less than half this one, and it's a lot to keep up! I don't envy them in the least bit. Hopefully, someday it will be restored to its original splendor - before it gets too far gone.
Diana... I thought at one point there were a lot more pictures previously posted of this property ~ at least I can no longer can find them?? If you have anymore pics, I would love it if you could post them and/or tell me where they may be (upstairs, attic, living room, library, etc). I too share the same feeling for this property and have been following your wonderful blog!! Thank you!
There a search for Chilton House. I think that is where you can find them. If the house is still on the market this summer when I am in the area I'm going to try to set another visit and get more photos...
Hi there, The house is on the market still. I really love it myself and looked at it a few years ago. I would love to take the plunge but its going to need a couple hundred thousand dollars to be able to live there.
So sad, what a grand house.
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