Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I'm going back through the blog and I'm amazed and humbled that folks are actually READING this blog!!!
I'm going through the comments and wanted to apologize to all of you who have taken the time to write.
I haven't responded because I had no clue they were there!
I've fixed it so I am alerted to new comments and promise I'll be better in the future!!!

1 comment:

Rosemarie said...

Hi Diana! I realize you haven't blogged about anything for a couple months (I just realized I haven't had a new entry on my blog for 4 months-yikes!) and I don't really expect any reply from you. I just wanted to thank you for keeping this blog while you were house-hunting and to BLAME you for me getting sidetracked for several HOURS this morning! :D LOL
I have thoroughly enjoyed viewing all the houses you were considering (the details, the photos, the commentary, etc.), as well as the link to that one Queen Anne house in Rochester (gorgeous). Those folks who owned the house in '05 did a great job recording their renovation process/progress! I noted when I saw that house the 1st time that it was going for $28k! I thought that must be a typo! Was it? The ad about the house at their site had it going for about $90k in 04-05. I wonder now if they sold it.
I live in southern California & have never been to the East Coast (well, only briefly to a couple southern states). I love architecture (love the non-cookie cutter homes) & it was fabulous to see so many types in your blog.
I can't imagine keeping this blog while having 2 little ones underfoot. Bravo to you! Nice job!
Maybe I should tell you how I came across your blog ~while Googling (although these details may be boring to you-sorry). I started getting into some of my family history/genealogy recently, after discovering 7X removed cousins (I don't know what else to call them) living in FL. The Blackinton family goes back 9 (or 10?) generations, living in MA in the 1800s. It seems they were rather well known in parts of MA. I bought 2 books w/info about the towns of North Adams & Attleborough, MA. There's still a B&B with the family name, a mansion turned library, a district & many other neat companies & things with the Blackinton name. I had no idea! Online research showed that one relative lived at 13 Church Ave. in North Adams, MA. I put in the street, city & state in a Google search & found the house at 129 Church on your blog! Voila! Off on a tangent I went! I looked in my North Adams book and THAT house is in the photo of the Church street block! It was way cool to find that!
Many of the houses you blogged about were out of this world! I loved seeing all the old stuff & decor. Thanks again!
Now I wonder, after all that searching, did you ever find your dream home?
I've babbled on way too long. Hope you're having a good day!